Review of Teng Yong Curtain

If there is a half star, I would give a half star.

Teng Yong is now also known as Curtain K, or Curtain K is one of their subsidiaries. Regardless, it's probably the same bunch of people running it. Extremely poor attitude, zero concept of time, and indeed, a bunch of liars who give different excuses on different days on why they cannot give you what you want, after over-promising at an expo event and 'conning' people to pay for their blinds.

Found out they were the same company when trying to make payment via bank transfer. Realized that I had paid the first half of the deal to a Teng Yong company and wanted to double-check with the person I was liasing with. She refused to tell me if her company was Teng Yong and started to think that I was not going to pay them.

They wanted to, out of the blue, on a working Monday, send someone to my place to collect 800 in cash before office hours end at 530pm, failing which they will paste a notice on my door to 'inform' me that i have not paid. Sounds like a threat alright when I have texted to ask if Teng Yong is indeed their company so I can make the transfer. Wonder why they steadfastly refuse to tell me if their company is Teng Yong. After a bit of googling and reading all the negative reviews, I realized why.

Lady had asked for payment, and got her colleague to call about payment even before their work is done. She even forgot that servicing for one of the faulty blinds is needed, but remember about payment with great zest!

None of the companies engaged in this long Reno process did something like this.

Please just save yourself the trouble and avoid this company. There's no need to stress yourself out with a company like this.

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