Tami Systemtenik - Singapore, Singapore
Tami Systemtenik
1 Review
Tami SystemtenikKaki Bukit Road 1 Eunos Technolink Blk 7 #03-046429558https://www.yelu.sg/img/sg/k/_1386310190_20585.jpg
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Listing - +11Years
With Us
Company name
Tami Systemtenik
Kaki Bukit Road 1 Eunos Technolink Blk 7 #03-04, Singapore, Singapore
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Working hours
- Monday: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM
- Tuesday: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM
- Wednesday: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM
- Thursday: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM
- Friday: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM
- Saturday: 9.00 AM to 12 Noon
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
Tami Systemtenik, a leading provider of water purifiers and supplying a high standard of service to take care of the purifiers, has been in the business of water purifiers since 1996 with a core focus on corporate users, we can proudly boast of a lengthy list of respected customers in our care and we look forward to servicing many more respectable ones in the future.
Recently in late 2012, we have decided to turn our attention to the residential market in Singapore and decided to pursue and target the residential market in order to bring the convenience and healthy water to the lives of many Singaporeans in Singapore. Thus our Tami Micro and Tami Primo has been launched to specifically cater to the niche residents and the ease, and aesthetic look that consumers desire.
Recently in late 2012, we have decided to turn our attention to the residential market in Singapore and decided to pursue and target the residential market in order to bring the convenience and healthy water to the lives of many Singaporeans in Singapore. Thus our Tami Micro and Tami Primo has been launched to specifically cater to the niche residents and the ease, and aesthetic look that consumers desire.
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purifiers of our standard have never been so affordable and clean healthy water can be provided to you and your loved ones.Location map
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Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- Tami Micro BarThe Tami Micro produces hot and cold water at any temperatur...
- Tami PrimoA home drinking water revolution Primo, an innovative, awar...
- Tami Bar BT SportsThe Tami bar BT will meet the daily rigor of fast paced offi...
Tami SystemtenikKaki Bukit Road 1 Eunos Technolink Blk 7 #03-046429558https://www.yelu.sg/img/sg/k/_1386310190_20585.jpg
The Micro Bar we installed has helped our family tremendously in term of convenience and ease of use. It has hot water and ice cold water and most important is the mixed water which I can program to make milk for my baby with preset auto dispensing volume.
The purifier water has also help cure my arteries joint pain which I had suffer for years. Highly recommended to all my friends and relatives.
The purifier water has also help cure my arteries joint pain which I had suffer for years. Highly recommended to all my friends and relatives.
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