Our Lady Of Lourdes School - Singapore, Singapore
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Our Lady Of Lourdes School
50 Ophir Rd, Singapore, Singapore
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+65 63822186
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On the edge of “Little India” in Ophir Road, a church was built with funds collected by members of the Indian community who came from Pondicherry. Father Joachim Alexander Marie Meneuvrier, a French priest, saw the need for a church that catered to the Indian population with services in Tamil. In 1885, the government provided a piece of land for the establishment of a church. Bishop Gasnier laid the corner stone of the building on 1 August 1886, and the building was completed and officially dedicated in May 1888. The site on which the church was built was originally a swamp land and located near a canal. Its location near Serangoon Road was significant because the area had been an Indian enclave since the 19th century, and the location was considered convenient for local
Alexandre Izambert was responsible for providing the foundation plan and the cast iron columns and metal frameworks, but it was a local firm, Swan & Lermit, which submitted the plans for the proposed church and presbytery and undertook the supervision of the construction of the building which was completed in May 1888. The presbytery and a school were completed at the same time. Both were located in an additional two-storey building in the church compound. Father Meneuvrier managed to obtain an extra piece of land from Governor Sir Frederick Weld for the building, which housed his living quarters on the top floor and the school on the ground level. Unfortunately, during World War II, the city area came under heavy bombardment and the church was not spared. Bombs fell within the church grounds, one of which demolished the top floor of the presbytery, while the church itself did not sustain any structural damage other than shattered windows and glass stains. The presbytery remained a single-storey structure after the war and was later demolished for reasons relating to structural safety.
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Catholics.Alexandre Izambert was responsible for providing the foundation plan and the cast iron columns and metal frameworks, but it was a local firm, Swan & Lermit, which submitted the plans for the proposed church and presbytery and undertook the supervision of the construction of the building which was completed in May 1888. The presbytery and a school were completed at the same time. Both were located in an additional two-storey building in the church compound. Father Meneuvrier managed to obtain an extra piece of land from Governor Sir Frederick Weld for the building, which housed his living quarters on the top floor and the school on the ground level. Unfortunately, during World War II, the city area came under heavy bombardment and the church was not spared. Bombs fell within the church grounds, one of which demolished the top floor of the presbytery, while the church itself did not sustain any structural damage other than shattered windows and glass stains. The presbytery remained a single-storey structure after the war and was later demolished for reasons relating to structural safety.
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