Perfection Face & Body Wellness (Bishan St) - Singapore, Singapore
Perfection Face & Body Wellness (Bishan St)
1 Review
Perfection Face & Body Wellness (Bishan St)Blk 283 Bishan St 22 #01-193 S(570283)(65) 64553577
Company name
Perfection Face & Body Wellness (Bishan St)
Blk 283 Bishan St 22 #01-193 S(570283), Singapore, Singapore
Contact number
(65) 65691126
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Perfection Face & Body Wellness (Bishan St)Blk 283 Bishan St 22 #01-193 S(570283)(65) 64553577
I signed up for a 10 course facial package in June 2013. My nightmare has just began. For every visit, I will be bombed by their beautician and "manager" to take up more packages, facials, massages, tuina... I declined all politely as I had several packages elsewhere. They do not take no for an answer. Probably they all get a commission from the packages they close from their customers. To be honest, i could no longer tolerate their attitude which had turned from bad to worse as i turn them down time and again. Everytime! ANother of their tactic is when i had no pimples (or have pimples), they will say my package is not suitable and asked me to take up another package. When i declined, they continued bombing me, usually i will be surrounded by 2 or 3 of them speaking continuously in mandarin to convince me to take up the package. I did a $800 top up to my package to shut them up. Recent visit, due to pimples, i was asked to "top up" again. I was already in the facial robe. i sat up and told them i wanted to leave. Them they agreed to use my existing package for my skin. I bought a set of skincare pdts from them that evening, total cost about $800. I called them today to cancel the next appointment which i had made, and the "manager" told me off again for cancelling and not loving myself enough to sign up their facial package. Now, this really triggered me to find all websites available online to inform more ladies NOT to visit this salon and having to be harassed by their rude staff on taking their "guaranteed packages". I will explore writing to CASE to get a refund for my remaining facial sessions. I have been patient enough past 1 year plus to wait till now to write this passage.
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