Vegetarian World Foods Trading - Singapore, Singapore
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Company name
Vegetarian World Foods Trading
6 Tagore Drive #01-08 Singapore 787623
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
11-15Registration code
43202400WE-mail address
Company description
Since 1990
Vegetarian World Foods Trading is founded by Mr Yeo.Y.Y in 1990. He first started his vegetarian business in retail at Chai Chee and Serangoon Central. The business expanded to include wholesale centre at Ubi Ave 2. Through the years, with our customers’ support, we expanded and we shifted to 6 Tagore Drive #01-08 Singapore 787623.
Vegetarian World Foods Trading strongly believe in compassionate living with a vegetarian diet. This started with a strong commitment to treat all living beings mercifully and compassionately. We strive to maximize the good we accomplish by not killing animals for their meat as food.
With this conviction, we strive to provide you many alternatives to meat. Our goal is to change the concept of vegetarianism to include a healthy range of
Vegetarian World Foods Trading is founded by Mr Yeo.Y.Y in 1990. He first started his vegetarian business in retail at Chai Chee and Serangoon Central. The business expanded to include wholesale centre at Ubi Ave 2. Through the years, with our customers’ support, we expanded and we shifted to 6 Tagore Drive #01-08 Singapore 787623.
Vegetarian World Foods Trading strongly believe in compassionate living with a vegetarian diet. This started with a strong commitment to treat all living beings mercifully and compassionately. We strive to maximize the good we accomplish by not killing animals for their meat as food.
With this conviction, we strive to provide you many alternatives to meat. Our goal is to change the concept of vegetarianism to include a healthy range of
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food choices. We aim to provide a variety of vegetarian products as animal substitutes. Vegetarianism not only promotes Compassion, and is eco-friendly. You save the world starting from your diet, by going Green.Location map
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