Company name
Blk 1026, Tai Seng Avenue, #07-3542/3546, Tai Seng Industrial Estate, Singapore, Singapore
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. See Wai CHIN
Employees 101 - 500
Company description
Since 1985, ADVANTECH Peripherals (S) Pte Ltd has grown from strength to strength to emerge as Singapore leading integrated system provider in the field of wireless, printing technology and Automatic Data Capture (AIDC) . Today we represented manufacturers who are in the cutting edge of technology. They are AXIS, CODESOFT, ZEBRA CARD, XEROX, MILESTONE, PRINTRONIX, RJS, SYMBOL, PROWLER, TALLYGENICOM, ZEBRA and ZEBEX. Working hand in hand with them, we have made an impact in the market. We are recognised by our relentless pursuit of excellence in customer service for we understand the key to our survival in this ever competitive environment is to keep our customers loyal to us. As we leverage our expertise on hardware distribution, we have already begun our roadmap to market and support  
Show more software products. They are Captaris Alchemy (document archival and retrieval) and Milestone (remote surveillance) Over the years, we have built up our software team to develop customised solutions and to-date; we have our own software products ranging from Asset Tracking to Sales Order taking system. We aim to provide customers a one-stop and wide range of integrated and secured IT solution for every business need. In addition Advantech Peripherals are also member of the following organisationsSANC (Singapore Article Numbering Council) Singapore Chinese Chamber of CommerceSingapore National Employers FederationSingapore Institute of Management (SIM) Singapore Information Technology Federation (SITF) -----------------------------------------------------------------Axis, Develops solutions for user-friendly and secure communication over wired and wireless networks. The company is a worldwide market leader in network connectivity, with products for the office, facility and industrial environments. Printronix, Designed with durability, speed and functionality to handle the most rigorous tasks, Printronix printers are used in business reporting, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution printing applications. Built rugged and reliable to thrive under harsh industrial conditions, these thermal printers deliver the highest quality output at the fastest print speeds, unrivaled. Prowler DVR, Recording and remote live monitoring for your home and business. . . . The answer to your surveillance needs. Symbol (Now known as Motorlora) , Innovation without Boundaries. Symbol core competencies in wireless data communication networks, application-specific portable computing, and high-performance data capture enable us to combine information technologies and tools to create innovative, customized solutions that meet or "exceed" your real life needs and real business demands. TallyGenicom, Serial impact printer ranges are known as price and performance leaders in the industry. They can handle up to 7-part forms at workloads to 50, 000 pages per month ranging in speed from 500 to 1100 characters per second. The dot matrix printers offer as many as 3 input tractors, a fully automated paper handling system with a low cost of ownership and terrific print quality. These easy-to-use printers with their versatile paper handling and straight paper path create flawless performance for a high-demand printing environment. Zebra Technologies, Delivers innovative and reliable on-demand printing solutions to businesses and governments throughout the world. Zebra is one of the leading global providers of thermal bar code label and receipt printers, card printers, RFID smart label printer / encoders, supplies, label design / integration software, and has the widest range of thermal printer connectivity and networking solutions. Zebra Card Printers, Provide quality card printing for a variety of card types. The printers are ideal for personalize and lamination virtually every type of media including blank and pre-printed PVC cards; magnetic stripe, proximity and smart cards.
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