ARTZ LOFT PTE LTD - Singapore, Singapore
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79 Brighton Crescent , Singapore, Singapore
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Ms. Jenny ChoongEmployees
11 - 50Company description
Art comes in many forms, music, dance, paintings, antiques, furniture, sculptures, artifacts etc. These forms have one way or another becomes part and parcel of our lives and also depicts our lifestyles. With changing times, our lifestyles have begun to change and the appreciation of arts has made a phenomenal progress; it has become an essential, a display of affluence and representation of a certain lifestyle of individuals, homes, buildings, offices, restaurants, etc. What used to be a chat topic among a group of friends have crystallized and transformed to a business objective - to deliver, promote and develop a lifestyle that begins with arts. Our aim is to deliver our artwork as a signature piece to homes to represent a lifestyle of an individual, to create a lifestyle filled with
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pleasant ambience in resorts, hotels or service apartments to pamper travelers or even in modern corporate offices as decorative elements.Our strength lies with creativity and highly customized to requirement. Our partner is an experienced artisan, whom will be leading our group of artisans to provide unique designs that blends into your concepts and fabricate it with crafty skills.We are looking for distributors or working partners worldwide to carry and distribute our products. Alternatively, we can also work on project basis. With the advantage of having our own pool of artisans, we are capable of supporting design concepts for hospitality (spa, resorts, hotels)commercial, residential etc. projects.For more product information, please send your enquiry via email.Listed in categories
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