BOND EQUIPMENTS PTE.LTD. - Singapore, Singapore

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130, Woodlands Industrial Estate Park.e5, Singapore, Singapore
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While, Bond Equipments Pte. Ltd. has devoted to the infrastructureConstruction machineries, light and heavy automobile industry. Especially inAll types of concrete related industry which includes earth-moving heavyEquipments and concrete batching Plant. Bond is a well established of mixerTrucks business in Singapore with specialize experience.As you may aware, we manufacture new Mixers called BONDMIXER. The superiorQuality of our mixer reduce wear high quality steel used in manufacturingThat not only it will save you money in the long run, but also is a costEfficient compare with all others European manufacturers, and is worth forThe investment.Beside that, we are also the Sole distributor for BOND HYDROSTATICPRODUCTS in this region, such as hydraulic pumps, motors and gearboxes  
Show more forConstruction equipments. Hence, you are assured of the availability of spareParts. Moreover, we have our well-equipped workshop for repairs and afterSales services here.Apart from manufacturing mixers, our company also import and export allTypes of Japanese trucks and concrete-mixers. New& used mixer drums, dumpTrucks, new& used cars top of the range and construction heavy machineries.All our used equipments, trucks, mixer trucks and cars are reconditioned inOur own factory workshop by ourselves and all major components are placedWith genuine manufactures parts. We ensured our used equipments, trucks, carsAnd mixer trucks are exceptional quality and we are so confident that ourReconditioning service is the BEST. Therefore, we offer parts and labourWarranty on all our reconditioned works. In addition, our well-equippedFactory also undertake installation, service, modify, upgrade or repairsMixer trucks.Respectively, we would like to build up a business relationship with you.Hence, we seek for your cooperation in making a join effort to takeAdvantage of a promising market. As it is our firm belief that this businessRelationship would be mutually beneficial.Naturally, we do not profess to quote unreasonable prices, but our pricesAre realistic and competitive, and most important, we give you value forYour money.Last but not least, we wish to assure you of our best services at all timesAnd we look forward to hear from you soon. Meanwhile, if you have anyQueries or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact usAnd we assure you of our best attention at all times
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