ENTRUST AUTO PTE LTD - Singapore, Singapore
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158 Kallang Way, # 03-631, Singapore, Singapore
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Mr. Francis LimEmployees
11 - 50Company description
What is the price of security on the road? A question that you may ponder and realize its critical importance. What is the value of service? This is a question that can only be answered with gratitude and satisfaction. At entrust auto pte ltd (entrust), we view it as our high priority.Entrust is formed with a common passion and love for this industry. Fueled and driven by passion, faith, hope and spirit of excellence, we encompass all these with love to provide quality service with a true heart.Whether you are a car enthusiast, it whiz kid or football fan, the common thread that binds is your passion. We are no different. Passion is an uncontrollable feeling that you cannot always explain. It is the strong emotion you have towards something, be it a sport, hobby or profession. It is what
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makes you excited, what gets your adrenaline pumping, what motivates you to persevere when the going gets tough. Without passion, life would be plain and dull. It would be simply living life, but not being alive!At entrust, we never despise the days of small beginnings and are faithful in small little things. This is the reason that we take extra care to look into details of everything that we engage in and take ownership of. That includes our products and taking care of our dealers and their customers. We believe only by starting right, than can we end right.We invite you to walk with us on this fruitful journey and let our services and products take you to a new height of pleasant experience and satisfaction. We thank you for your interest in our products and us. We hope you enjoy your stay and look forward to serving you.Listed in categories
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