GATHERINFO PTE LTD - Singapore, Singapore

Company name
Blk 134, Marsiling Road, #05-2124, Singapore, Singapore
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. helmi hakim
Employees Less than 5
Company description
Gatherinfo pte ltd is a marketing company responsible in helping smes to develop cost effective, creative and innovative medium in marketing their products.Championing in internet marketing since 2004, gatherinfo updates itself with technological advancement and is famous for its low cost yet efficient and effective marketing campaigns. Its well scrutinized web and graphic designers are specially chosen from 3rd world countries to provide the customers with quality marketing materials yet at a bargainable price.Gatherinfo pte ltd was a business entity funded by ngee ann polytechnic (singapore) as it was deemed as a promising, profitable and sustainable company. Its principal founder, mr muhammad helmi bin abd hakim initiated the whole idea as he found that most businesses were being run  
Show more on huge expenses without considering the return of investment. As an accountancy graduate himself, he advocates the idea of accounting the monetary return for every single dollar invested.Successful and effective marketing not only propagates the intended message to the audience but it should also propel the party to take action fast enough to cover the cost of marketing itself. Tactical planning is important without disregarding the business strategic and long term potential itself.The role of gatherinfo pte ltd:1. To help and assist smes to establish an online presence as a first crucial step to marketing their products and services to the world wide market. Through its rich support of web hosting, web-graphic designing, search engine optimization and more, gatherinfo will ensure your secure placement in the competitive online business world.2. Gatherinfo is also responsible to provide logistic support in terms of setting up of bazaar booth and supplement of manpower. This encompass on banner designs, pamphelets and brochures.3. Design and printing of business cards. This include designs of company logo.
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