GEMINI HITECH PTE LTD - Singapore, Singapore

Company name
60, Albert Complex # 09-05 Og Building, Singapore, Singapore
Contact number
Contact Person Mr. vikram kumar
Employees 5 - 10
Company description
We introduce ourselves as a premier multifaceted IT Company engaged in Imports-Exports, Distribution and Trading of Computer Parts.From a humble beginning in 1987 in India under a different name, we have responded to the challenges and opportunities offered by evolution of IT Industry to bring the frontiers of technology in reach.Gemini Hitech Pte Ltd. Has been incorporated and set up in Singapore in May 2001, with a focus on building International trade in IT and related products. Further to strengthen and accomplish this the company has already started exporting and catering to various countries like India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Mauritius in the first phase.Our StrengthsThe operational strength presently is derived and controlled from our associate offices based at Ahmedabad, Bangalore,  
Show more Chennai and New Delhi in India. All of these stations have been operational for over a decade. The mandate is to set up 3 international offices in China, Dubai and Srilanka and have an associate partner in major countries to complete the geographical reach. Currently the companies cater to around 30 importers and direct buyers spread all across India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and U. K.We regularly export a spectrum of products which includes:CabinetsGraphic CardsSound CardsInternal/external fax modemsWeb and Digital CamerasSpeakers&HeadphonesCD ROMS, CDRW, DVD writersNotebooks, Notebook HDD&accessoriesCD Duplicators and casingsUSB ProductsVOIP ProductsAdaptec SCSI cardsVideo Editing solutions from DAZZLENetworking productsIntel - CPU's and MotherboardsAMD - CPU'sMotherboardsOur ClientsOur clientele is spread across countries like INDIA, NEPAL, SRI LANKA, MAURITIUS, NIEGRIA, U. K. The list is growing slowly but steadily.Why come to us...?All people behind the show have more than 10 years of experience of handling and developing the markets, resellers, channel, system integrators, corporate and working together as a team.Our company can meet volume requirements and can also promote range of product to the different segments of industry like System Integrators, solution providers, resellers, professionals, OEM's and corporate as we have experience of working as a supplier for computer hardware including assembled PC's and cards manufacturer during last many years.
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