ROPESTAR Rope Access - Rigging - Rescue - Singapore, Singapore
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ROPESTAR Rope Access - Rigging - Rescue
21 Toh Guan Road East , Toh Guan Centre, Singapore, 608609
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Company description
ROPESTARRope Access – Rigging – RescueCRN: 53179779AROPESTAR is a professional and an active Rope Access company, placing a strong emphasis on safety and efficiency. All members of team ROPESTAR are highly trained and certified and we pride ourselves on our effectiveness and the quality of our work, even in the most challenging of situations. Each and every member of our experienced team is highly skilled, fully trained and certified, friendly and reliable. The dedicated rope access teams comprise of a selection of Specialist and operatives with a broad spectrum of specific certified skills.ROPE ACCESS AND WORK AT HEIGHT SPECIALISTWe provide a safe, efficient and cost effective rope access service, specializing in all scenarios that require works at height. Our services
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include: Building Maintenance /Facade Maintenance / Facade Access / High Level Cleaning / High Level Painting / High Level Glazing Solutions / Lifting and Rigging / Banner and Sign Installation / Stage and Shows Rigging / Level 3 Supervision (Rescue Team) / Offshore Rope Access / Derrick Building & Derrick Inspection.With a variety of applications for property maintenance; from roof work, gutter cleaning and repair, building and facade maintenance, our rope access services are perfect for tenement buildings and multistory buildings where alternative work at height solutions such as Scaffolding, Boom Lift, Scissors Lift would be impractical, expensive and time consuming.Rope access provides an efficient and cost effective mode of working at heights, enabling work to be carried out electively and safely in awkward situations and allowing access to tricky areas. Rope access is less obstructive and almost always quicker and cheaper. The time taken to install systems is minimal and a rope access team can proceed with the least impact on structures and surroundings, causing minimum disruption at a fraction of the cost to the client.For more details our comprehensive Work-At-Height Systems and Industrial Rope Access Engineering Solutions, kindly log-on to Access – Rigging – RescueDID: (+65) 8418 5728 Fax: (+65) 6365 0270eMail: in categories
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