CZARL ARCHITECTS - Singapore, Singapore
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Zervex Building, 8 Ubi Road 2 #04-23 Singapore 408538
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Working hours
- Monday: 10am - 6pm
- Tuesday: 10am - 6pm
- Wednesday: 10am - 6pm
- Thursday: 10am - 6pm
- Friday: 10am - 6pm
- Saturday: Close
- Sunday: Close
Contact Person
Carl LimEstablishment year
2009E-mail address
Company description
No two sites or clients are identical. At Czarl Architects, we seek to understand the needs and desires of each project. With every project, we carefully examine the intricate relationship between the inhabitants and their space alongside the relationship of the building with its environmental and socio-historical context. Every design process is often an exploration of new ways to redefine contemporary relationships between people, heritage, home and the sensory environments we occupy and move through.
For us, that relationship is meaningful. We believe that every good design strategy reflects a key central idea, narrative or essence. This can be expressed through the individualised details of the spatial composition, the discerning use of materials and the clarity and creativity of
We see architectural expression not only as a resultant of many logical factors at work, but also needing to be underpinned with measures of wit, ingenuity and intuition… There is no room for slavish obsession with style or architectural dogmas of last century dictating that “less is more” or that “form follows function”.
Instead, we hold the perspective that design expression is driven by the endless permutations and inventive combinations of technical and aesthetic knowledge, socio-cultural, environmental and political awareness, which are then synergistically assimilated into a creative solution.
For us, that relationship is meaningful. We believe that every good design strategy reflects a key central idea, narrative or essence. This can be expressed through the individualised details of the spatial composition, the discerning use of materials and the clarity and creativity of
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form.We see architectural expression not only as a resultant of many logical factors at work, but also needing to be underpinned with measures of wit, ingenuity and intuition… There is no room for slavish obsession with style or architectural dogmas of last century dictating that “less is more” or that “form follows function”.
Instead, we hold the perspective that design expression is driven by the endless permutations and inventive combinations of technical and aesthetic knowledge, socio-cultural, environmental and political awareness, which are then synergistically assimilated into a creative solution.
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