Front Page Models Asia - Singapore, Singapore
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Listing - +9Years
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Front Page Models Asia
Yishun, Singapore, Singapore
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Company description
Established in the modeling scene as an Independent models and talents agency, Front Page Models (FPM) provides only top-notch Asian and Caucasian models and talents for your productions. With our commitment to service excellence, our dynamic and dedicated staff will ensure that our clients’ expectations will not fall short of perfection.
With our constant involvements in fashion shows and beauty pageants such as Miss World Singapore, Miss Asia Pageant as well as on Media Covers, Commercials and others, all these have provided us with vast experience and success in the modeling business.
Up to date, Front Page Models Asia has a total of 400 models that are constantly trained and groomed by professionals to maintain and achieve the best performance standards of our client. You can
We seek to establish a lasting client relationship, through your satisfaction of our services. Therefore, our attitude in working alongside our clients towards service excellence results in compliments from our clients and business partners. Through these, we have earned support, trust and confidence from some of our major clients.
Front Page Models Asia also caters a full range of other services and professionals such as emcees, deejays, photographers, videographers, makeup artists, designers, cheographers and magicians etc. for road shows, commercials, product ambassadors and events as agents.
With our constant involvements in fashion shows and beauty pageants such as Miss World Singapore, Miss Asia Pageant as well as on Media Covers, Commercials and others, all these have provided us with vast experience and success in the modeling business.
Up to date, Front Page Models Asia has a total of 400 models that are constantly trained and groomed by professionals to maintain and achieve the best performance standards of our client. You can
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be assured to choose from a wide range of different looks and styles exclusively for your selection. Adding on, we are always on the lookout for fresh faces, potentials and talents in the Asia market such as Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and China while in collaboration with other parts of the world such as France, USA and others.We seek to establish a lasting client relationship, through your satisfaction of our services. Therefore, our attitude in working alongside our clients towards service excellence results in compliments from our clients and business partners. Through these, we have earned support, trust and confidence from some of our major clients.
Front Page Models Asia also caters a full range of other services and professionals such as emcees, deejays, photographers, videographers, makeup artists, designers, cheographers and magicians etc. for road shows, commercials, product ambassadors and events as agents.
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