Edit Suits Co. - Singapore Showroom - Singapore
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Listing - +6Years
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Edit Suits Co. - Singapore Showroom
35 Duxton Rd, Level 2, Singapore, Singapore
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Company description
Edit Suits Co. offers the custom suiting experience without the bespoke price tag.
The perfect suit, tuxedo, shirt, or chino should be well-made and custom-tailored. Most importantly though, it should be unique and special.
With thousands of fabrics and countless customisation options available, Edit Suits Co. can relieve much of the pressure of finding the perfect garment by helping you to create your own.
With showrooms conveniently located in the hearts of London and Singapore, your perfect garment is only an appointment away!
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The perfect suit, tuxedo, shirt, or chino should be well-made and custom-tailored. Most importantly though, it should be unique and special.
With thousands of fabrics and countless customisation options available, Edit Suits Co. can relieve much of the pressure of finding the perfect garment by helping you to create your own.
With showrooms conveniently located in the hearts of London and Singapore, your perfect garment is only an appointment away!
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