Archisen Pte Ltd - Singapore, Singapore
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Company name
Archisen Pte Ltd
36 Jln Tukang, #04-03, Singapore 619266
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
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Company description
Archisen is a Singapore-based agritech company that designs, builds, and operates solutions to grow ultra-fresh, ultra-local produce in cities. Founded by Sven Yeo and Vincent Wei, Archisen operates one of the highest yielding indoor farms in Singapore, with a projected yield of up to 100 tonnes of vegetables a year. Using Controlled-Environment Agriculture (CEA), we are able to control every aspect of the climate from temperature, humidity, light intensity to composition of air. Thus, we can configure the most conducive environments to bring out the natural, rich flavours of our plants and to retain their nutritional values.
We are the first and only company in Singapore that provides a comprehensive farm management solution for our partners through our turn-key urban farm solution,
By monitoring important farm parameters in real-time, we can collect data to build a system of dynamic automation, thus increasing efficiency. As each farm contributes valuable data to Croptron, they simultaneously benefit from other farm's data, hence progressively enhancing crop yields with every harvest cycle. With machine learning, our systems and processes become more efficient, enabling farms to grow their produce faster, fresher and better.
We are the first and only company in Singapore that provides a comprehensive farm management solution for our partners through our turn-key urban farm solution,
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Cropdom. Cropdom is powered by our proprietary operating system, Croptron, which leverages sensors, Internet-of-things technology and data analytics to track, analyse, and improve farm management processes.By monitoring important farm parameters in real-time, we can collect data to build a system of dynamic automation, thus increasing efficiency. As each farm contributes valuable data to Croptron, they simultaneously benefit from other farm's data, hence progressively enhancing crop yields with every harvest cycle. With machine learning, our systems and processes become more efficient, enabling farms to grow their produce faster, fresher and better.
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