Chris Brown Locksmith - Singapore, Singapore

1 Review
Company name
Chris Brown Locksmith
BLK 27 TOA PAYOH EAST, #02-200 310027, Singapore, Singapore
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1 Review
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Dishonest Locksmith Chris Brown - Damaged our lock, ignored our calls and went missing.
Dishonest Locksmith Chris Brown -
Damaged our lock, ignored our calls and went missing.

Had a distressing experience with a locksmith named Chris Brown. Engaged him to unlock our main door at our East Coast condo a few weeks ago. He drilled and destroyed our door lock cylinder in order to let us in, charged us $180 promising to come back next day with a new cylinder to replace the one he damaged. He went missing ever since and ignored all our calls and messages - we were left with a faulty door that couldn’t be locked after his drilling. Eventually we replaced a new cylinder $250 by another experienced locksmith who assured our door should have been easily unlocked without being drilled open, and of course at a much lower price.

Fast forward few weeks later, we managed to call up Chris Brown via Skype (without our number being displayed of course). He finally answered, not knowing it was us, and claimed he was having classes, phone spoiled..etc. I thought it was only fair to have at least a partial refund for having our whole cylinder replaced because of his incompetent work, unnecessary money and time wasted. He replied with ludicrous and deplorable excuses that he’d rather come down directly to deliver us our money or mail us the cash in an envelope instead of online transfer, and continue to brush off everything I say.

I have no hope in getting any refund or apology even though its just a small sum. But i hope to put the word out for others to avoid this incompetent and dishonest locksmith. Chris Brown has multiple numbers including 6259 5808 and ********.

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